Sunday, November 24, 2013

      As we all probably know, skinny jeans have been in and out of style throughout history. And most recently, they have come into style in the late 2000s. It started slowly, around maybe 2006, but by 2008, the trend really hit it big. This trend did not remain confined to women, but also spread to men. It's now 2013, almost 2014, and the skinny jeans trend seems to remain in popularity in both men and women There are many people whom theorize that this time around skinny jeans are going to be in style for good, and that they are "the future", however I personally disagree and here are my reasons why.

     First, I'd like to make it clear that many times, fashion in the early part of a decade is often similar to the fashion of the late part of the previous decade. For example, big hair was an 80s trend that remained popular in the early 90s. Spiky bleached hair from the late 90s remained popular in the early 00s. Since we are still fairly early in the decade it's easy to assume that certain trends, like the skinny jeans trend, are just continuing off the popularity it had during the late 00s. I personally think that it is possible that this trend will in fact loose popularity, by the end of 2014 or beginning of 2015, maybe even earlier. There are signs that guys are starting to loose interest in skinny jeans. At my school, there are not too many guys wearing skinny jeans. They are still semi popular, but not anymore popular than they were last year, and I'd argue that they're slightly less popular now

   There has not been an increase in the popularity of skinny jeans from 2012 to 2013. This brings me to believe that 2012 and early 2013 were the peak of the trend. Now, this may only apply to men, but in the next 3-4 years, the same could happen to women too. Most fashion trends, mainly the ridiculous ones, don't last more than 5-6 years, so I find it hard to believe that skinny jeans will last any longer. The only way it could last any longer would be to add some variation too it. For example, perhaps get rid of the narrow taper, and give it more of a bootcut look. For me, that's probably the only way skinny jeans could remain appealing, other wise, it's just milking the same old fashion trend. People will just get bored of it after a while.

    They really don't look good on everyone, nor do they appeal to everyone. No matter how popular a style becomes, there will always be people looking for an alternative. I personally, will never wear skinny jeans (unless they change the aforementioned taper, and start making skinny bootcuts), no matter how popular they become. To say something as extreme, as "they are the future" (yes there are actually people whom believe this), doesn't make much sense to me. Fashion styles are always coming and going, it's not some sort of phenomenon. With people whom dislike these trends, it's highly unlikely they will ever buy into it. Plus, many people who liked the fashion, may realize years later, that it looked ridiculous. And to add even further to it, certain fashion trends look good only on a small percentage of people. Most girls cannot pull off the skinny tapered look, and there is not a guy in existence who can in my opinion. I'm not saying they can't, just that they shouldn't. There is of course a fine line between can and should, after all

    With all this in mind I have a few questions for the readers. Do you think the skinny jeans era is coming to an end. If so, then tell me what you think the next jean trend will be starting in 2014/2015, and why. And for those who think that this is just the beginning, please tell me why you think so, and when, if ever the trend will end. Also, could it be possible that the trend will only remain popular in women, and lose popularity in men? Finally, as I mentioned before, for skinny jeans to last forever there needs to to be some sort of variation. I gave an example of getting rid of the narrow taper at the bottom, because in my opinion, the tapering is the worst part of skinny jeans. If skinny jeans were to remain popular, do you think that designers will be smart to get rid of the hideous tapering?

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